BONISCAN® is an extra hard stone of excellent quality. It is specially designed for CAD/CAM technique. Thanks to its specific formulation and its particular colour, it’s recommended for opto-electronic scanning process of models. The thick and regular structure of its crystals gives to BONISCAN® models high compressive strength and resistance to abrasion, together with a low setting expansion and an excellent edges stability. It is perfectly compatible with all impression materials. FIELDS OF USE: The making of dies for bridges and crowns and the referred optoelectronic scanning.
Mixing :
100 g: 23-24 ml
Mixing time :
45 "vacuum-packed
Processing time :
7 '
Final time :
12 '
Removal time :
60 min
Setting expansion :
<0.09% (2 h)
Compressive strength :
> 45 MPa (1 h)